Year 4 Spring A Update19/02/2025Cymraeg, Digital Learning, Humanities, Key-Stage Two, Science & TechnologyWhat a wonderful term we have had settling into 2025! Kicking off with our new theme, ‘Adventurers and Explorers’, we…
Nursery Update Autumn B20/12/2024UncategorisedThis term in nursery has been so much fun and full of exciting activities! We’ve loved learning all about hedgehogs…
Year 5 Autumn B Update19/12/2024Key-Stage TwoIt’s incredible to think about the impact the Vile Victorians had on shaping our future, from industrialisation to setting up…
Year 6 Autumn B Update18/12/2024Key-Stage TwoThis term, Year 6 have fully embraced the magic of the stage and screen with our Lights, Camera, Action theme!…
Reception Autumn B Update18/12/2024UncategorisedWhat a superb half term we have had in Reception! We have been reading and retelling the story of The…
Year 3 Autumn B Update18/12/2024Ambitious Capable Learners, Digital Learning, Expressive Arts, Key-Stage Two, Languages, Literacy & Communication, Maths & NumeracyWhat a fantastic Autumn B Term we have had in Year 3. We continued our Time Travellers theme by looking…
Year 2 Autumn B Update17/12/2024Foundation PhaseThis half term, our theme has been ‘My Wish for the World.’ We started by watching a video about ‘The…
Year 1 Update Autumn B17/12/2024Foundation PhaseWe have had another great term! We have been very busy continuing our learning about food, healthy lifestyles, maintaining a…
Year 4 Autumn Term B Update16/12/2024Ambitious Capable Learners, Health & Wellbeing, Humanities, Key-Stage Two, Science & TechnologyWe have had a jam-packed second half of our Autumn Term. Time flies when you are having fun; it has…
Nursery Autumn A25/10/2024UncategorisedThis half term has been fantastic for our nursery children as they settle into their new routines and explore exciting…