What a fantastic first half term we have had in Year 2!
The children have been so engaged and eager to learn about our topic ‘ To Infinity and Beyond’, where we have been focusing on all things Space. It has been lovely to see them so happy to return to school and we are really enjoying having them back!

We have read lots of Space stories and Year 2 have written brilliant retells of them, using lots of story language, punctuation, and brilliant handwriting.

We have looked at the Solar System and know about all eight of the planets. The children have written their own non-fiction booklets sharing some fun facts about the planets. We went outside and ordered the planets from the distance from the Sun.

In Science and Technology, we investigated rockets and had a super time launching rockets with Mr. Mansfield on the school field. We have been so busy,  completing lots of different investigations, such as heating and cooling where the children melted chocolate and made their own tasty chocolate buttons. We also looked at how light and sound travel AND we have made some super stop motion videos explaining why we get day and night. 

Always so much to learn in Year 2!

Next half term, our theme focuses on the journey back to Earth. We will look at our local area, sustainability, global goals and how we get electricity. We encourage children to be independent, confident, ambitious individuals and love the child initiated learning that happens in Year 2, so we look forward to exploring lots of other things too.

Over half term, we would love to see and hear that children have interacted with some home learning and are using Hwb, Bug club, Seesaw, and Mathletics.

We are so proud of Year 2 and look forward to welcoming them back after half term 😊.

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