Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This week, Year 2 have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory. We loved the story so much that we decided to invent our own chocolate bars!  The children spent the week researching, planning, creating and evaluating their creations (and I think you will agree that their ideas were fantastic).

We started the week discussing our favourite chocolate bars, what they were called and their ingredients.  Next the children looked at shopping lists to see the ingredients that were available to use.  In pairs, the children decided on one ingredient each for their chocolate bar.  Once they had decided on the ingredients, each pair planned and labelled a design for their new chocolate bar.  After this, they were able to get messy and create their designs (which was A LOT of fun!).  The children used their experiences of creating their chocolate bars to write brilliant recipes, selling speeches and advertising posters in class.  They were also able to come up with a brand new name for their chocolate bar and create a wrapper to finish their product! Finally, the children were able to taste and evaluate what they had worked so hard to make!

Here are just a selection of the children’s chocolate bars, keep an eye out on twitter for more pictures and videos!









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