Reception Summer A

What a busy half-term we have had in Reception. We have absolutely loved our Where We Belong topic and have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about ourselves and our school. In this topic, we have learned about the importance of being kind to ourselves. We did this by exploring the story The Reflection in Me. We loved how the child in the story admires everything about himself. We also loved talking about our families and our homes. Finally, we learned all about SJPS and why it is a place that makes us feel like we belong. Each class made a special video about this and shared it in an assembly. As part of this, we had so much fun interviewing Mr Mansfield, Mr Jones and Mrs Hill to find out what they love about SJPS. We also developed our map skills as we took a tour around the wonderful school grounds and our artistic skills, as we made beautiful portraits of the teachers in our school. We all agreed that St Julian’s Primary School is a very special place indeed! 

This term we also started to develop our knowledge of money. We were introduced to the different types of coins and each day a group of us visited the local shop to buy snack. We loved having the experience of speaking to the shopkeeper and finding the correct coins to give him. The teachers were also very impressed with our healthy choices for snack each day!

A highlight of this half term has to be our Sports Day. We were busy bees preparing for it all half term and were absolute superstars on the day itself. We loved cheering on our friends and especially enjoyed watching the parent races. Our teachers were very proud of us! 

Well done on a great half-term Reception!

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