What a brilliant half term we have had! We have continued learning about famous explorers and their expeditions around the world in our theme, ‘Adventurers and Explorers’.
The children took part in a Kahoot quiz all about the moon, to spark their interest. They were then inspired to write persuasive letters to Elon Musk, currently working with Nasa to return a spacecraft to the moon. They worked so hard to persuade him to give them a spot on the rocket, and had great fun including their persuasive brags in their letters!

We finished off this half term looking at the threats faced by polar bears in the wild. We made our own polar bears from clay and then debated whether zoos were the right place to keep animals. There were lots of different opinions and we learnt how to debate our points of view.

We found out about the freezing cold temperatures of the Arctic, and challenged ourselves to take part in a polar expedition. Did you know it has been recorded to reach -69 degrees Celsius there? Brr! We squeezed into a total of 3 sleeping bags to protect us from the deadly temperatures. It was great fun and much less challenging than we first thought thanks to the support of our classmates.
After learning about Ernest Shackleton, we used Lego to create Stop Motion Animations about his famous expedition to Antarctica.

We also learnt about the adventures of the explorer and presenter, Steve Backshall. Using atlases and Google Maps, we were able to find out about how many places he has visited around the world. We used our numeracy skills to create tables and graphs to depict this information. We had the opportunity to become adventurers ourselves with a rock climbing wall experience and even a visit from some wild animals, including a binturong and a mongoose! We learnt that these animals are deadly to their prey, and were fascinated to find out that mongoose and meerkats are immune to snake venom.

In P.E, we have been developing passing, dribbling and shooting skills in football.

Fairtrade Fortnight
As part of Fairtrade Fortnight we found out about how bananas and chocolate are produced and distributed. We found out about Fairtrade and how this scheme ensures that the products we buy are fairly produced and fairly traded.
World Book Day
Once again we were amazed to see the creativity involved in the ‘World Book Day’ costumes. The children looked outstanding. They had a day full of fun, reading, meeting famous authors and illustrators virtually and sharing their favourite books with friends.