We have had a super busy start to our Summer Term. Our topic is ‘Under the sea’, in Literacy we have loved learning about the stories ‘Billy’s bucket’ and ‘The Rainbow fish’. We have been working really hard to retell the stories in our own writing and have been adding adjectives to make our stories really interesting. We have enjoyed learning about different types of sea creatures through non-fiction books, discovering incredible information about them. Our favourite fact has been that a Blue whale can be as long as 33m. We even measured how big that is on our school playground. In our Maths work we have been learning to tell the time and experimenting with the capacity of different objects. We have worked hard learning our friends of 7, 8, 9 and 10. We can recognise doubles and even the tricky near doubles. We have made 2d and 3d shapes and symmetrical pictures and can understand halving and quarters. We have been enjoying the Summer weather by taking part in our daily mile and practising skills for Sports day including hurdles and relay races. We have used yoga movements and under the sea dances to move our bodies like sea creatures. We have used Google expeditions to create an aquarium in our own classrooms. We really felt like we were creatures under the sea. Creatively, we have been making Rainbow fish out of plasticine and sparkles and created very mature sketches of a variety of shells and sea creatures. We have made artwork and sea pictures in the forest school area using leaves, twigs and mud, which have been amazing. We loved making boats with our friends to see if they could float or sink. In Welsh we have learnt about body parts, colours, numbers and how to explain in Welsh the activities we are doing. We have learnt a variety of sea songs and joined in with percussion music. In each of our classrooms we have loved learning to play different jobs in our role play areas, the ice cream van, beach shop and the fish and chip shop. We had a fabulous River talk to learn all about salmon. To top it all off we had the most amazing ‘Beach day’ during the last week. It was so wonderful to let the children play at our St Julian’s beach and in the paddling pools. We watched Jenny any dots perform her amazing ‘Punch and Judy’ show and even had a special treat when the ice cream van came to visit. We cannot wait to enjoy the next part of our Summer term when we come back after half term!!