As we approach the end of this half term, it’s time to reflect on our learning during our theme ‘Tomorrow’s World’. We have had an exciting few months focusing on sustainability, climate change, renewable energy and technology advances.  

One of the highlights this term was the Goblin Greenpower IET Race held at Reinshaw Miskin. The children worked diligently on designing, building, and testing their electric cars, preparing for the Race Day at Miskin. We proudly entered three cars: Green Goblin 3000 (6ES),Thunderstruck  (6JV) and Supersonic Shrek (6KS) The project provided hands-on experience in engineering and teamwork to create efficient and competitive vehicles. Click the link to see the video from our Race Day highlights. During our Literacy lessons, we wrote formal persuasive letters to secure sponsorship. Fortunately, our efforts were rewarded and we are extremely grateful to our sponsors TESCO. 

As part of our theme, we debated electric cars’ positive and negative impacts. These discussions have been enlightening, showcasing our ability to analyse and talk about complex issues. Topics ranged from the environmental benefits of reduced emissions to the challenges of battery disposal and the infrastructure needed for widespread electric vehicles, allowing us to become ethically informed citizens. We also continued to extend our digital skills by researching, creating and sorting a database of electric cars. We used this information to compare the cost of an electric car compared to a petrol/diesel car. 

Our Science lessons have been buzzing with activity as we investigated electric use at home. Through this project, we have examined the energy consumption of various household appliances, learning about energy efficiency and ways to reduce their carbon footprint. The children were challenged to look at Smart Meters at home to see the effect of different appliances and overall electricity usage. 

Researching sustainability and energy sources have been another highlight of this term. We have delved into the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, exploring the benefits and challenges of each. This comprehensive study has included everything from the mechanics of solar panels to the environmental impact of fossil fuels.

Finally, we have been practising for lots of upcoming events in the next term including Sports’ Day and the Creative Festival. Also, we can’t wait to start rehearsing for our end of year concert, ‘The Lion King’. The children are filled with excitement and anticipation as they can’t wait for everyone to watch their spectacular performance.

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