National Finals – First Lego League 2024

Our Coding Club have not long returned from the National First Lego League Finals at Harrogate Convention Centre, and let me tell you, it was a blast from start to finish!

So, picture this: we kicked off our adventure with a four-hour minibus ride. But, it wasn’t just any old ride. We had the tunes cranked up and enough sweets to last a lifetime. Let’s say, it was a sugar-fuelled sing-along extravaganza! Thanks to Mr Mansfield for driving our minibus and letting us sing all the way. 

Once we arrived, it was time to check out our accommodation, choose our rooms and tackle the challenge of setting up camp beds. Let’s say, it was a bit of a struggle at first, but with some teamwork and maybe a few laughs, we got there in the end.

Now, onto the important stuff – dinner. To our delight, our evening was crowned with a special treat – Domino’s Pizza! The savoury aroma of freshly baked pizzas filled the air, fueling our excitement for the upcoming finals in Harrogate.  Nothing hits the spot quite like a cheesy slice after a long day of travelling.

Bright and early the next morning, we were greeted by Miss Shepherd’s wake-up call. Although, who needs an alarm clock when you’ve got the excitement of the finals to wake you up? After fueling up with some Coco Pops, we were ready to rock the competition. 

With hearts brimming with enthusiasm, we represented our school with utmost brilliance, immersing ourselves in the various aspects of the competition. From the intense rounds at the robot game table to the presentation of our innovation challenge aimed at reducing screen time, we embraced every moment with passion and determination.

Throughout the day, we eagerly tackled additional Lego challenges, including the white brick build, graffiti wall, and placard challenge, showcasing our creativity and ingenuity at every turn. We were very proud of our Transporter Bridge build, representing our home town Newport. 

Though the day was filled with excitement and anticipation, it wasn’t our day to claim victory. Nevertheless, Miss Shepherd beamed with pride as she witnessed the dedication and resilience displayed by each and every one of us. While the trophies eluded us, the experience itself was nothing short of memorable.

As we made our way back home, the bus may have been a little quieter, but our spirits were still high. After all, it’s not every day you get to compete in something as special as the National First Lego League Finals.

In the end, it was not about the trophies or accolades, but about the journey itself – a journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the sheer joy of competition. Until next time, Harrogate

A huge thank you to the teachers Mr Mansfield, Miss Shepherd and Mrs Howells for spending the weekend with us and joining in with our song requests. 

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