Year 1 have had a fantastic term learning all about their topic Truly Scrumptious! Throughout the term, we have been learning about food and have even been trying some delicious exotic fruits at snack time.
We started off the term by reading the story of Supertato. We were shocked to come into school one day to see crime scenes in our classrooms! After studying the crime scene and looking for clues, we decided that it must have been the Evil Pea who was up to no good! Year 1 worked well to create wanted posters to help search for the Evil Pea. Through Science & Technology, we experimented in finding the best way to melt ice after finding some vegetables trapped in ice blocks in the freezer! We also used an app called Chatterpix to animate our very own Supertato’s. Luckily we caught the Evil Pea at the end of the fortnight and put an end to all of his troublemaking.
Our next story of the term was The Gingerbread Man. We had so much fun reading this story and baking our very own gingerbread cookies. We carefully followed the recipe and measured the correct amount of each ingredient. After baking our delicious treats, we planned which toppings we were going to use to decorate our cookies and how much this would cost. They looked fantastic before everyone enjoyed eating them up! In Humanities, we looked at various locations across the United Kingdom after receiving postcards from The Gingerbread Man after he ran away from school. We even used Beebots to programme them to travel around the UK, just like the Gingerbread Man did! Everyone worked very well to mark these on the map. In Expressive Arts, we decorated some beautiful gingerbread houses with decorations and different shapes.
Our final book of the term has been Stone Soup, where we have practised writing instructions with interesting bossy verbs. Year 1 did an amazing job with this and even made their very own delicious vegetable soup. The children enjoyed this so much and lots of them even had a second helping of the soup!
Year 1 have been amazing when practising for their Christmas concert and we can’t wait to share it with you on the last day of term! We hope you all have a safe and restful holiday. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb!