Year 1 have had another exciting half term diving deeper into our topic of ‘Truly Scrumptious’! We have read and retold fantastic stories, including ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘Supertato’. The children have been practising very hard at using their Pie Corbett actions to retell the stories, and they have done an amazing job! Using these Pie Corbett actions has helped the children with their sentence writing and they have written some fantastic sentences to retell the stories.
When we read ‘The Gingerbread Man’, we had lots of fun drawing gingerbread men designs and thinking of awesome adjectives to describe them. We have been very busy learning all about money, and we had great fun making our own gingerbread men after pricing up how much they would cost to make with all of the ingredients. We followed a recipe, baked them, and decorated them with icing, chocolate buttons and sweets! They were delicious! We even had a go at building bridges that were strong enough for the Gingerbread Man to cross and also decorated gingerbread houses with lovely sweets, candy canes and icing. In Welsh, we have continued to practise our everyday phrases, and have also been counting the buttons on gingerbread men up to the number 20!
While reading the story of ‘Supertato’, disaster struck in Year 1! We came into school one morning to find crime scenes and trapped vegetables in the classrooms! We immediately set to work to find out who had done this. We alerted Mr Mansfield and Mrs Hollings and created WANTED posters which included beautiful drawings and wonderful adjectives to describe the culprit. There was only one person who we thought it could have been, The Evil Pea!! We then conducted a science experiment to see which method was the best when melting ice after finding more trapped vegetables in the freezer! We used a combination of hot water and salt to melt the ice as quickly as possible. We even made our own Supertato’s to help save the day, which we animated on the iPads using Chatterpix. With our super detective work we managed to track The Evil Pea down and set the veggies free, great work Year 1!

More recently we have been very busy in class practising and recording our Christmas concerts, making cards for our families and creating lovely Christmas crafts! We are so excited for parents to see how hard everybody has been working. Nadolig Llawen pawb! 🙂