This half term the Year 4 children have been learning about the RNLI. The children have found out about the history of the organisation and the amazing work that the RNLI do saving lives at sea.
This inspired the children to plan, produce and edit their own film adverts to persuade viewers to support the RNLI using green screen technology and the applications Clips and iMovie. They worked so hard on this project, confidently using a range of new applications. It was very tricky!
During our Maths lessons, the children have developed their ability to work with measure. We read a recipe and measured accurately in millilitres to make our very own delicious summer mocktail!

We were lucky enough to have more music sessions with Mr. Banks but, this time in our very own ICT suite using keyboards and Apple Macs! We learnt how to play 3 different songs by using our fingers correctly on the keys and following the notes and words.

Excellent Electricity has been our topic for Science and STEM. We have explored and experimented with circuit components and made our own circuits. We predicted which circuits would work, which wouldn’t and can now explain why. As part of our Literacy lessons we read and watched the ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. This led us to investigate how we could make the Iron Man’s eyes and nose light up. The children were able to draw on their knowledge of circuits and problem-solve their way to success. They even added a buzzer to make him talk!

They became accomplished authors and editors, producing a narrative to accompany the wordless book ‘Flotsam’. They worked collaboratively to type their narrative into a Slides presentation on Google Classroom.
We have been very lucky this term to have some visitors in to school. From Newport Live! we have had the opportunity to learn how to play squash and to cook our very own Enchiladas in our SJPS Cookery Suite! They were delicious!

At the end of this term, and to build on our RNLI knowledge, we had a visit from Glyn Renshaw from the RNLI who came to talk to us in detail about the dangers of water and how to keep ourselves (and others) safe when playing in or near the water.

As a celebration of the school’s 70years, the children took part in the SJPS Creative Festival in which each class prepared a piece to represent a given decade and performed it to the school and parents. It was such a fun day!

To end the term, we have wound down with some fun outdoor activities. The children used Sphero programmable robots to ‘drive’ K’nex rescue rafts that they designed and built.

During PE, they worked collaboratively to orienteer around the school grounds finding clues to spell the hidden word. And finally, to really go out with a bang, we ended the term with a Fun Water Day in which the children could showboat their teamwork skills and really let their hair down!

It has been such a fantastic year and we will miss you all so much when you go off to Year 5! A huge well done to all of these wonderful children! Have a fabulous summer holidays 🙂