We are absolutely thrilled to share the news that Year 6 has displayed unwavering dedication and effort throughout this half term, making us incredibly proud. Their commitment to their learning and exemplary behaviour have not gone unnoticed.

We wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on the incredible journey we have been on during our theme “Lights, Camera, Action.” It has been a term filled with captivating learning experiences and exciting activities that have kept our children engaged and inspired.

Literary Adventures with “The Invention of Hugo Cabret”

We kicked off the term by diving into the enchanting world of literature with the book “The Invention of Hugo Cabret.” This tale of adventure, mystery, and early cinema has transported us to a bygone era, sparking their imaginations and fostering a love for storytelling. The children have been hooked as we have read the book and written dialogues and narratives. We have been very impressed with children’s writing skills as we have focused on effective descriptions through adjectives, verbs and varying sentence types! 

A Cinematic Journey through History

Our theme has transported us to the heart of the film industry. We explored the fascinating history of film, delving into the magic of early films like “Fred Ott’s Sneeze”, the thrilling stunts of “Safety Last” and films that star Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. The children loved the simplicity of the films, the chase scenes, the stunts and comical elements. We have been learning about different camera angles and shots used in films. The children were even given the opportunity to research film locations in Wales and participated in a thought-provoking debate on whether the Welsh Government should allow more films to be made in Wales. 

In addition, the children have actively engaged in various “Pupil Voice” activities during our ‘Discover and Do’ sessions this term. These activities have provided our children with a platform to express themselves and share their ideas.

It’s been wonderful to witness how these sessions have kindled the flames of curiosity in our children. Their inquisitiveness has driven them to explore, question, and discover, showing a true love for learning. Furthermore, these activities have fostered a spirit of collaboration among our children as they work together to address challenges and solve problems.

Prosthetic Magic with Jenna McDonnell

A real highlight of the theme was the prosthetics lesson from local make-up artist Jenna McDonnell. Our children had the unique opportunity to learn from professionals in the film industry. Jenna McDonnell led a captivating prosthetic workshop, unveiling the secrets behind the art of movie makeup and special effects. It was a day of creativity and inspiration, leaving our children with a newfound appreciation for the magic of cinema. The children learnt all about artificial wounds and theatre make-up. It was lovely to see such enthusiasm and enjoyment from the children within the workshop and it demonstrated the importance of ‘Pupil Voice’ within our curriculum.

Crucial Lessons at Raglan Barracks

Recently, Year 6 visited Raglan Barracks to attend the ‘Crucial Crew’ workshop, where valuable health and safety information was provided. At the event, they learned about how to keep themselves physically and emotionally safe in a variety of different situations. Among the ‘Crucial Crews’ delivering these important messages were the Fire Service, Western Power Distribution, Resolve it and Network Rail. It was a busy, fun- filled, informative morning and, as usual, the behaviour of our children was exemplary. Well done Y6!

STEM Illuminations: The World of Light Sources

In the realm of STEM, we embarked on an illuminating journey into the world of light sources. The highlight was a virtual visit from a real-life eye doctor who explained the intricate workings of the eye and took our children on a tour of a theatre. This experience not only deepened their understanding of light but also ignited their curiosity about the world of optics. We will be learning more about the eye, conducting an investigation and completing a double page spread all about ‘Light’.

Music and the Magic of the Movies

Mr. Banks has been guiding us in music lessons, teaching us how to play songs from the movies. The joy of creating music has filled our classrooms, and it has been a fantastic opportunity to discover their musical talents. Another activity the children have thoroughly enjoyed came from a Parent suggestion as we used resources from around the classroom to create and record our own Foley Sounds. We’ve also embarked on our Cluster School’s Choir Performance with Gwent Music, preparing a medley of Christmas songs that promise to be a festive treat.

The term of “Lights, Camera, Action” has been a rollercoaster of learning, creativity, and unforgettable experiences. We are incredibly proud of our childrens’ enthusiasm and dedication. We can’t wait to see what the next term will bring and look forward to sharing more exciting adventures as we continue our journey.

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