Visiting Each Ugandan School – Day 2 (2024)

The team were told to meet for breakfast at 7am, aiming to leave the hotel by 7:30. This was a very early start after a long day of travelling but…

Parachute Games, Chance Nabweya & Another Gizzard

Another early start this morning. The team met for breakfast and Joseph arrived early to join us for a cup of coffee. We had a few things to buy before…

DEO’s Office, Commissioning the Electric & Sing-Song with the Mwenyis

We had a bit of a lie in this morning because we had been summoned to the Mbale DEO (District Education Office) for a meeting with the District Inspector, Lydia…

Visiting the Schools & Meal at Mr Walyaula’s Home

Our day started bright and early again on Monday, ready to visit all of the schools we are linked with. At breakfast, Mr Mansfield was slathering on the Factor 50…

Singing, Sipi and Sunset

After the most sleep we’ve had since arriving in Uganda, we were feeling fresh and ready to start day 4 of our Ugandan adventure. We gathered for breakfast dressed in…

Shopping, Painting and the ‘J Family’

After a wonderful night’s sleep in some very comfortable beds, we gathered for breakfast bright and early at 6:30am to begin our first official day of activities in Uganda! The…

Entebbe to Kampala to Mbale

No sooner had our sleepy heads hit the pillows, the alarms woke us up at 6am the following morning. Mr Mansfield could be heard knocking and shouting an extra wake…

Back to Uganda – 2019

It was an early start this morning! The team met at 1:00am outside a very dark St. Julian’s Primary School, with suitcases piled high ready to travel to Birmingham Airport….

The Long Goodbye

Both Mr Mansfield and Mr Prewett woke up very sad today, knowing that it was to be their last day in Uganda. We were up very early and started the…

An Emotional Day

Sorry to keep you waiting for this post! We’ve had an incredibly busy day which was topped off with a lovely meal with all of the people who have given us…

Back at Busiu

So today was another exciting day, as we set off to meet the St Julian’s link school, Busiu Primary. We were up very early, as it would take longer to…

Back at Namunsi Primary

So, today was the day! We went to see Mr Walyaula’s new school! We woke up to 6.30am alarms, having been up until gone 1am, updating yesterday’s blogs. Feeling a…

Church, Singing and Boda Bodas

Another amazing day here in Uganda! The time is flying by and we are wishing we were staying here for longer than just a week. We had agreed to wake…

Shopping, School and Supper

Mulembe! (That means ‘hello’ in Lugisu, one of the languages they speak here in Mbale.) Another jam-packed day here in Uganda. We woke up at 6:30am, having arranged to meet…

Entebbe to Mbale

What a day! We set our alarm clocks for 6:00am to get an early start on the long journey ahead of us. Mr Prewett was first up, having had a…

Bristol to Entebbe – 2018

We have arrived in Entebbe, in Uganda! It has been an extremely long day of travelling, but we are so excited to have arrived! We set our alarms for 2am,…

Goodbye Mr Walyaula

Today was Mr Walyaula’s last day with us. He woke me up at around 6am (as he has done every morning this week!!) and asked me to make him breakfast….

Meeting the Minister for Education

Today was Mr Walyaula’s first day at St. Julian’s Primary School. I woke him up very early and prepared some breakfast for him, which consisted of coffee, toast with jam…

A Whirlwind Weekend!

So, Sam Walyaula arrived in the UK on Friday along with Jane, the teacher visiting Treorchy Comprehensive School. Mr Mansfield and I were very excited to travel down to collect…

Homeward Bound

Our last day here… 🙁 Although we weren’t going into school today, we still got up at 7:30am to say goodbye to Eleanor, Ruth, Joel and Aled, who are staying…

The Runaway Goat

We have just arrived back at our guest house for our final night in Uganda. It is a strange feeling; we have had a wonderful time here and it is…

In at the Deep End

Today was a truly amazing day and one that we will definitely not forget for a very long time! After a very, very late night preparing resources, we woke up…

First Day at our School

Mr Mansfield and I woke with that excited feeling you get for the first day back at school. We were up bright and early for breakfast before our transport arrived…

Church and Chasing Waterfalls

Melembe! (That means ‘hello’ in Lugisu). We’ve had yet another great day here in Uganda, although Mr Prewett was extremely tired after spending the night on my hut floor! At…

Back to School!

Mr Prewett here again! You’ll be pleased to know that Mr Mansfield didn’t get eaten alive by bugs last night, although I did find a cockroach in my shower… Mr…

To Jinja and Beyond

What a day! We woke up at 8am, had a shower and got dressed. My shower was cold, but Mr Prewett was lucky enough to have hot water in his…

We’ve Arrived!

We’re here! Can’t believe we’re finally in Uganda. We arrived at the airport at about 10:20pm (we’re 2 hours ahead), but couldn’t get off the plane immediately because Annabel had…

The Mystery of the Missing Meal

Mr Mansfield has allowed me to take over the reigns for our latest blog! We’ve just landed at Rwanda Airport in Kigali after our 8 hour flight from Amsterdam. We’ve…

The Steward Selfie, the Sandwich and the Pillow

So you’ll all be pleased to hear that we landed safely from our first flight. It was great to see Karen (the kind lady at the check-in desk) again at…

And they’re off…

So here we are; the trip has begun! Mr Prewett set off at 3am to collect me and then drive to Cardiff Airport. Half way to the airport, I thought…

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